My work reflects my internal and external observations on the human mind and the subtle gestures one makes to maintain its balance and boundaries in life. As I carefully arrange the model‚s pose with other elements in my work, I attempt to invoke the viewe's contemplation and interpretations on the intricacy of the human disposition.
born: 1966, Seoul, South Korea
Fontbonne University, MA, 2010
Fontbonne Universtiy, BFA, 1995
selected awards/honors
Award of Excellence, 4th Annual Juried Exhibition, Jacoby Arts Center, 2008
Award of Excellence, Juried Exhibition, Art St. Louis,1997
Purchase Award, Ninth Parkside National Print Exhibition, University of Wisconsin, 1995
selected publications
9th Parkside National Small Print Exhibition, University of Wisconsin Art Dept. 1995
Fontbonne college magazine, Summer, 1995
selected group shows
Fontbonne University Art Gallery: Figure Now I, St. Louis, MO, 2010
Jacoby Arts Center: 6 Artists Show, Alton, IL, 2009
University of Wisconsin: Parkside National Small Print Exhibition, Kenosha, WI
Art St. Louis: Art St. Louis 10th Annual Exhibition, St. Louis, MO 1994